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3223 - Guest

  • 27th March 2025 01:55:19 PM
  • TEXT
  1. [22:51:00] Maya Reyes says: This is Detective Maya Reyes and Detective Denton Wade, conducting a recorded interview on 26th of March, at 2250, present in the room we have Romano Amante, and Durk Fischer, voluntarily to assist with the ongoing investigation...
  2. [22:51:16] Maya Reyes says: ...regarding the incident of the 19th of March at Calafia Road.
  3. [22:52:02] Maya Reyes says: So you two... I appreciate you both for coming in, first of all... I know this whole situation has been stressful to you, I just want to make sure we have all the details straight. These cases can get messy and I'd hate for anything to be...
  4. [22:52:04] Maya Reyes says: ...misunderstood.
  5. [22:52:13] * Romano Amante bops his head.
  6. [22:52:16] Durk Fisher says: I gotcha'.
  7. [22:52:22] Maya Reyes says: So let's go over the night again, you guys were meeting to buy a car, right? What made you choose that specific location?
  8. [22:52:48] Durk Fisher says: We didn't choose the location, like we said before, they chose that location.
  9. [22:52:54] Romano Amante says: They uhh... Yeah. They chose the location actually. We felt it was a bit shady, as previously stated.
  10. [22:53:13] * Denton Wade removes the locs from his head, adjusts them, and places them on the table.
  11. [22:53:40] Maya Reyes says: I understand, although just saying... if I were buying a car, especially with /cash/, I'd probably want to do it somewhere in public, just a safety matter! Did you guys feel comfortable meeting them /there/?
  12. [22:54:44] Romano Amante says: Uh, yeah... We actually did have this conversation in the car while grabbing the cash. But we didn't want the deal to slip from between our hands because of some... Objective issues, since it was a good deal on that car.
  13. [22:54:44] Romano Amante says: Uh, yeah... We actually did have this conversation in the car while grabbing the cash. But we didn't want the deal to slip from between our hands because of some... Objective issues, since it was a good deal on that car.
  14. [22:54:56] * Durk Fisher nods.
  15. [22:54:56] Denton Wade says: Was the vehicle advertised anywhere?
  16. [22:55:49] Durk Fisher says: We met them the day or two prior, they were cool people and we had made friends with them, It wasn's a posted ad, as we were all in a group talking about needing a car and they said they had one they could sell us.
  17. [22:56:23] Denton Wade says: What car were you guys trying to buy with that cash?
  18. [22:56:35] Durk Fisher says: It was a Bravado Gaunlet.
  19. [22:57:11] Denton Wade says: It must have been a great deal to find a Gauntlet for fifty grand, huh?
  20. [22:57:19] * Romano Amante bops his head.
  21. [22:57:28] Romano Amante says: Well, MSRP, they run seventy-five.
  22. [22:57:44] Durk Fisher says: Yea, that's exactly why we didn't want the deal to slip up as we thought it was a real deal.
  23. [22:57:50] Maya Reyes says: What exactly do you know about Larry Hermann, Bird... how did you meet this guy, you mentioned he's your friend, or rather was... his affiliations and whatnot.
  24. [22:58:55] Durk Fisher says: We met him at a bar down in Sandy, I really know he just works at a bar down there, and we had just been going back and forth talking about life, I know he's apart of the Mongols.
  25. [23:00:03] Durk Fisher says: He told me he rides with them most of the time, and I kinda' didn't know how they were a gang affiliation type of thing.
  26. [23:00:13] Denton Wade says: Okay, so in order to proceed with our warrants, we need a copy of the chat you had with Mr. Hermann. Do you still have it on your phone?
  27. [23:00:31] * Maya Reyes looks over at Denton momentarily, then back at the duo.
  28. [23:00:45] Durk Fisher says: I don't.
  29. [23:00:57] Maya Reyes says: You... don't..?
  30. [23:00:57] Maya Reyes says: You... don't..?
  31. [23:00:57] Denton Wade says: We need proof that he lured you into a vehicle sale and then robbed you so we can arrest him for fraud and whatsoever— You don't?
  32. [23:00:57] Denton Wade says: We need proof that he lured you into a vehicle sale and then robbed you so we can arrest him for fraud and whatsoever— You don't?
  33. [23:01:14] * Romano Amante shifts his gaze to Durk, he heaves a sigh, shakes his head, and sinks in his seat.
  34. [23:01:14] * Romano Amante shifts his gaze to Durk, he heaves a sigh, shakes his head, and sinks in his seat.
  35. [23:01:59] Durk Fisher says: No, all of this stuff walk talked about in person, the only thing sent was the address for the car.
  36. [23:02:23] Durk Fisher says: And after all the stuff that happened and we called Detective Reyes.
  37. [23:02:31] * Denton Wade leans toward Reyes.
  38. [23:02:35] Durk Fisher says: I deleted the number and was letting you guys deal with this.
  39. [23:02:42] * Maya Reyes smiles momentarily, tilts her head towards Denton.
  40. [23:02:43] !{#FEB822}Denton Wade whispers: Was that what they told you initially?
  41. [23:02:56] Romano Amante says (to Durk Fisher): Please tell me you at least still have the location he sent you...
  42. [23:03:07] Durk Fisher says (to Romano Amante): I know where it is.
  43. [23:03:14] Durk Fisher says: But we all do.
  44. [23:03:39] !{#FEB822}Maya Reyes whispers: They told me the number of Larry, and that they were set on meeting there, I didn't check the texts, nor did I ask them at the time.
  45. [23:04:23] !{#FEB822}Denton Wade whispers: Exactly.
  46. [23:04:45] Maya Reyes says: You... don't have the chat then, like at all? Why would you delete it in the first place, it could of been crucial to this investigation.
  47. [23:05:14] Durk Fisher says: Well, I mean it was just the location I didnt think it was important I gave you his phone number I thought that was enough.
  48. [23:05:32] Durk Fisher says: And his Nickname, and you guys found him.
  49. [23:05:32] Maya Reyes says: I mean I get it, things went south, but we need the full picture here, we're talking about /fifty/ grand here.
  50. [23:06:13] Durk Fisher says: Yea I get it, its our money, of course were gonna be concerned, I just didn't think a ocation being sent was important.
  51. [23:07:16] Maya Reyes says: It's... not? It's in the middle of nowhere, cash money, to buy a car, it literally screams trouble.
  52. [23:08:02] Durk Fisher says: I mean we met them in sandy, near that location maybe a couple blocks down at that bar, I honestly thought they lived near there since their job is right there aswell.
  53. [23:08:19] Durk Fisher says: I mean for me I just thought that was kinda' common sense.
  54. [23:08:25] Durk Fisher says: Since their job was near.
  55. [23:08:51] Maya Reyes says: Calafia road and the Dive are actually... quite far away with each other.
  56. [23:09:42] Maya Reyes says: It's miles away from the city, but my point is that this isn't something that people would usually do, or agree on doing willy-nilly like that, it's a lot of money. 
  57. [23:09:51] Durk Fisher says: Well On my maps it's about a half a mile away.
  58. [23:10:31] Durk Fisher says: I'm not gonna' argue with you guys, but for me I thought It was close enough to be realistic within living and driving to work.
  59. [23:11:16] Durk Fisher says: So for him to be there, was but also wasn't really a suprise you understand what i'm saying.
  60. [23:11:50] Maya Reyes says: From what I'm seeing this might not have been just a case of just a car sale... knowing how the Mongols be dealing with... many things. 
  61. [23:11:50] Maya Reyes says: From what I'm seeing this might not have been just a case of just a car sale... knowing how the Mongols be dealing with... many things. 
  62. [23:12:38] Maya Reyes says: If there was something more going on, like, say a deal that went sideways, it actually helps us build a stronger case against these guys. I just need to know what /really/ happened, I want a story that makes sense.
  63. [23:13:09] Maya Reyes says: I'd rather hear it from you than piece it together some other way, honestly... the last thing I want is for it to seem like you two were hiding something when we're just trying to help you out here.
  64. [23:14:01] Romano Amante says: Well, Miss Reyes. From what I'd seen, it was a perfectly normal car sale. We met them at a bar, I went out to take a call, came back, they had a deal. We meet them the next day, as you said, a notorious gang. They pulled guns on us 'n stole our cash.
  65. [23:14:41] Romano Amante says: Trust me, I'd like my money back more than you think, and to me, I believe that money would /really/ mean more to me than the case you're tryin' to build. If it were to be some sort of gun-slash-drug deal, I believe we wouldn't have even—
  66. [23:14:49] * Durk Fisher nods in agreement.
  67. [23:15:11] ~h~(( (167) Romano Amante~s~ has disconnected:  ))
  68. [23:28:53] Romano Amante says: — contacted the cops in the first place. No criminal ever would.
  69. [23:30:43] Maya Reyes says: That's totally right, which is why I'm not saying you guys are criminals in the first place. What I'm saying is, I've been doing this long enough to know a bad deal when I see one. 
  70. [23:31:56] Maya Reyes says: Here's another question, let's stray away from this for a moment - the car they were selling was the very same they drove to get there, right? 
  71. [23:32:12] Romano Amante says: It was.
  72. [23:32:27] Romano Amante says: Probably...
  73. [23:32:31] Maya Reyes says: How were they planning to get home? No second vehicle, no ride waiting? I was in Calafia road guys, that place is more than a jog away from the town.
  74. [23:32:44] Romano Amante says: Well for all I know they could've lived there honestly.
  75. [23:32:45] * Romano Amante shrugs.
  76. [23:33:25] * Maya Reyes presses her lips, looking at Denton momentarily, before bringing her notebook closer, she nods once to the duo.
  77. [23:33:40] !{#FEB822}Denton Wade whispers: I don't have any questions, I know that they're not going to say anything.
  78. [23:34:28] Maya Reyes says: Fair enough, so to reiterate before we wrap this up...  you meet some guys in a bar, agree to a cash deal, verbally... drive ouut to the middle of nowhere the next day, and suddenly... they pull guns on you, double-cross you.
  79. [23:34:37] * Durk Fisher nods.
  80. [23:34:39] Maya Reyes says: That's my story, right? I'll let you go after this one.
  81. [23:34:51] Romano Amante says: That's what happened.
  82. [23:34:51] Romano Amante says: That's what happened.
  83. [23:34:56] * Romano Amante dips a nod.
  84. [23:34:56] * Romano Amante dips a nod.
  85. [23:34:57] * Durk Fisher nods in agreement.
  86. [23:34:57] * Durk Fisher nods in agreement.
  87. [23:35:07] Durk Fisher says: Exactly..
  88. [23:35:26] !{#FEB822}Maya Reyes whispers: I guess we're letting them go, we talk.
  89. [23:36:15] Maya Reyes says: Right... well, if there's something more to it, something else that can be of help here, I'm working for you guys. We might check on the financial records too, see where this gets us.
  90. [23:36:31] Maya Reyes says: Other than that, if you've nothing else to add, we should be good here.
  91. [23:36:42] Durk Fisher says: Alright cool, thank you guys for your time.
  92. [23:36:51] * Romano Amante bops his head, he shifts his gaze between the two detectives before flashing a respectful smile.
  93. [23:36:52] Durk Fisher says: That's all I have to say and offer..
  94. [23:37:05] * Maya Reyes puts on a polite smile.
  95. [23:37:05] Romano Amante says: Guess we're good here then. I 'preciate both of y'all's times.
  96. [23:37:25] Denton Wade says: We will definitely get back in touch with you when we recover the money.
  97. [23:37:29] * Durk Fisher nods.
  98. [23:37:31] Maya Reyes says: This concludes our interview with Romano Amante and Durk Fisher, present we have Detective Maya Reyes and Detective Denton Wade, time marks 2337.
  99. [23:37:45] * Maya Reyes taps on the tape recording device, it stops rolling.

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